Web Search: Bullying

A discussion, reading comprehension, and writing activity concerning the topic of bullying.

Actions Against Bullying

A discussion, reading comprehension, and video-listening activity about bullying, with a focus on the topic of homophobia.

It’s a Girl’s World

A documentary film looking at the topic of girl’s social bullying. The documentary has been linked both in its full length as well as in two abbreviated clips. The resource pack has been included offering suggestions and guidelines for class activities.

Plight of the Outsider

A discussion and in-depth reading comprehension activity about one woman’s attempts to fit despite living with autism.

Teenage Cults

Discussion, vocabulary, and reading comprehension activity about the topic of teenage cults.

The Secrets of Male Friendships

Discussion, vocabulary, and reading comprehension activity about the nature of male friendships.

Use of English
Friends & Peers

A unit introduction discussion activity about the unit theme.

Peer Pressure

A discussion and open cloze activity about the topic of peer pressure.


Students are introduced to the concept of collocations. Different types of collocations are practiced in several exercises.

Open Cloze

An open cloze activity about the topic of adolescent/parent conflicts.

Vocabulary Focus

Students focus on adjectives relating to emotion and character, as well as the notion that synonyms can be grouped and classified by grade/degree.

Phrasal Verbs

Students learn and practice the use of several phrasal verbs.

Word Building - Suffixes

Students learn about common word endings and practice changing word forms with suffixes

Review: Four Types of Sentences

Students review and practice using the four different types of sentences in the English language.

Linking Devices

Students review and practice various linking devices that are used to clauses, sentences, etc..

Writing a Paragraph

Students review basic paragraph structure and practice writing effective topic sentences.

Descriptive Compositions

Students write a one-paragraph, descriptive composition about someone they admire.